Heavy Structural Steel Fabrication Company in India

Process Equipments Manufacturing

With its ASME U, U2, S, R, NB certified manufacturing facility located in Nasik, AEL is equipped to manufacture high quality / certified Pressure vessels, Buffer Vessels, Columns, Heat exchangers, Stacks, Storage Tanks, LPG/Propane Bullets complying with International Codes such as ASME, PD 5500, API, TEMA, IBR, Indian Standards.

Nasik Manufacturing facility has been awarded with statutory approvals such as ‘IBR’ & CCOE / PESO (Nagpur) for fabrication of Steam Condensate Drum / Vessels, Storage Vessels / Bullets for LPG / Propane / Argon / Nitrogen / Oxygen service.

In addition to Carbon Steel & Stainless Steel equipment’s, AEL has a proven track record of manufacturing Process equipment with different metallurgies like Hastelloy, Alloy 20 and Incoloy including cry applications.

  • An ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007 certified facility with authorization for ASME U, U2, S, R, NB stamping.
  • Equipped with design software like PV Elite (for mechanical design of Pressure Vessels, Heat Exchanger, Mounded Bullets, Horton Spheres etc.) and drafting software such as AutoCAD 2015.
  • Total Area available is 10,950 Sqm having a covered Shed Area of 3,015 Sqm
  • Industrial infrastructure & facilities available near factory are approved testing Laboratories, trade test facilities, NDT facility, Ancillary shop for precision machining, Powder coating facility, galvanizing plant.